Difference between Me and A Terrorist
At the big new exhibition centre down my end of town, which my council tax helps to fund,the yearly UK Arms Exhibition is held. That's ordinance. Bombs. Tools to kill lotsa people quick.
I noticed it a couple of years ago, when girls were tying themselves to the railways to stop the metro running the exhibitors and customers there (who ranks as the terrorist in this situation, do you think? The guys buying the guns or the girls trying to stop them buying the guns? The Met Police were deployed against the girls trying to stop the buyers of guns. They might've have made their current job a little easier by siding with them instead.) That year a journalist managed to get in there. He stood over a display case where a lovingly spotlit glossy copper object lay in a case, and the salesman said enthusiastically, "This is a thing of beauty. It features a caseload of little bomblets, which are scattered on impact AND - are delayed action to maximase impact!" The journalist goes, "Impact. You mean dead people." The salesman drew away, affronted.
The arms industry is now the main UK manufacturing industry, products all exported. The government loves it, as 75-85% of the cost of guns is tax. Our main use for taxes is to fund our health service. So we pay our doctors by exporting murder. So the difference between me and a terrorist is that he knows the names of the people he killed. Also they probably died with full stomachs.